
Katie BrysonI’m Katie Bryson – freelance journalist, wife of a firefighter and mum of two boisterous boys – keeping them all fuelled and trying to stay sane is a daily challenge so I thought I’d share my experiences.

Tinkering about in the kitchen has always been my form of therapy, so I hope I can pass on recipes and tips for feeding hungry families that’ll help inspire all those frazzled parents out there wondering what on earth they’re going to cook for tea!

I’d like to point out that I’m not trying to be all gourmet here and use a gazillion different ingredients and fancy techniques. If I had all the time and money in the world, I would! But the reality of being a mum of two high energy hungry boys is that meals must be rustled up in a matter of minutes, or I have a very loud protest on my hands that raises my blood pressure in a nanosecond!

I want to pass my passion for food onto my children, so I scratch cook most meals and get them cooking alongside me whenever I can persuade them.

I plan what we’re going to eat every week in advance so I can shop for the ingredients and then just choose what we’ll have on the day. It’s a godsend when I can’t see the wood for the trees and making decisions about lunch can send me into a tailspin.

Anyway I hope you enjoy the recipes!

Katie x

7 Responses to About

  1. ali.b says:

    Oh my goodness your blog is fab and when I saw the title I had to come and visit as I too am married to a fireman and have 2 boys – lol. Right if I can just suss out how to follow you – err??? lol

  2. Victoria says:

    Just found your blog through Crumbsfeedyourfamily.blogspot.com
    I think we have similar ideas, good food, but also ‘fast food’, I teach my boy to cook on a daily basis and I plan all my meals – being organised is the only way I keep sane.

  3. We can’t all be gourmet all the time. I’m always in search of fast, fresh recipes. I love that you followed your dream and want to share it with others.

  4. Emily says:

    Hi Katie, just found you via my netmums fb feed…. Im also a wife of a firefighter and mum of two boys so couldnt resist a sneaky peek, keep up the good work – I plan to take lots of credit in my house for your fab creations 😉 Lots of love, Emily xx

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